Please find attached the latest edition of our temple newsletter. The print edition will be arriving in mailboxes soon. Also attached is the current Hawaii Kyodan Headquarters Update.
024 Sustaining Membership. Please remember to submit your annual membership pledge before the end of the year. This is also a great opportunity to update your current contact information with us! If not already a member, please consider joining our Sangha. We rely on your support to help ensure our temple is a spiritual home where we can create Sangha together through sharing the Buddha's teachings. Please use the attached form or contact the temple office. Mahalo!
Please place your order as soon as possible using the attached form.
MOCHI PICKUP will be on Sunday, December 29, 2:00pm-5:00pm in the Social Hall.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO MAKE MOCHI from 7:00am on Sunday, December 29. Your kokua is greatly appreciated! Everyone is welcome!
Order Free COVID-19 Test Kits
The U.S. government is offering free COVID test kits this Fall. Please use the link to order.
COVID Home Tests | USPS
New COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines Available
Protect yourself and loved ones by getting your updated COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccines this Fall.
Longs CVS: CVS Vaccines - COVID-19, Flu, RSV, Shingles, and More
KTA: Pharmacy Vaccinations | KTA Super Stores
Safeway: Pharmacy Near Me in Kailua Kona - Flu Shots , COVID-19 Booster Shots, RSV Vaccine, Prescription Refills (